Autoking in the 134th Canton Fair

DATE : Nov 6th, 2023
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The first phase of the five-day 134th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) ended in Guangzhou.

This time, Henan Jinyou Industrial applied for an 18-square-meter booth, displaying this year's latest scissor-door new energy vehicles.

Hyper GT is an electric car with difference versions.  The best-selling version is the 710KM long-range version.

GT cars have the following features and configurations:
  1. 这是一款运动类轿车车型,电池容量80.1KW,续航里程710KM,采用后驱设计,百公里加速4.9秒,带来媲美跑车的驾驶体验。
It is a sports sedan model with a battery capacity of 80.1KW and a traveling range is 710KM.
rear-wheel drive design and only take 4.9 seconds to 100 kilometers,
bringing a comparable driving experience  as a sports car.
  1. 该车采用了非常前卫的剪刀门设计,这种设计一般只被运用在超跑上面,价格是这一款车的十数倍,再加上电动尾翼,在时速超过100KM/还是会自动展开,80KM以下会自动收起,当然也可以手动调节始终开启。整车造型流线型钱,非常符合年轻人的需审美。
It was desiged with a very fashion scissor door . This design is generally only used in supercars. which price is ten times that of this car. Coupled with the electric rear wing, it will still automatically open the door when the speed reach 100KM/h. When unfolded, it will automatically retract below 80KM. Of course, it can also be manually adjusted to always be on. The streamlined shape of the vehicle is very in line with the aesthetic needs of young people.
  1. 内饰用料是同级别车型最高,全车采用NAPPA真皮,质地柔软细腻,加上14.6英寸中控屏,科技感十足。
The interior materials are the highest end level in the same class. Whole car used NAPPA leather, which is soft and delicate in texture. The 14.6-inch central control screen,  full of technology  !
  1. 车内配备23个杜比音响在车内像走进了音乐厅一样
The car is equipped with 23 Dolby speakers, making us feel like walking into a concert hall.

此次广交会,河南金友作为国家新能源二手汽车出口试点企业,以及新颖的车款,吸引了各个国家的外商客户,纷纷留下了联系方式洽谈购车意向。 At this Canton Fair, Henan Autoking, as a national new energy second-hand vehicle export pilot enterprise, and its novel car models, attracted foreign customers from various countries, and they all left their contact information to discuss car purchase intentions.
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